Corporate film


Seen on Youtube? We help you make a presentation of your company on YouTube, etc. We create strategies together with you as a customer based on your specific business.


Do you want to create a video about your company or product? We produce material for video advertising on the web. Video consumption is constantly increasing and the possibilities are enormous. We make sure that the film is based on demographics, geography and your target group.

Commercial film

We help you create an advertising film based on what you want to expose in the company so that you reach the target group you wish to reach. The film can then also be used in other contexts such as presentation material, website, customer mailings, etc.

Advertising Partner NYC

Close to Central Park
New York, NY
Welcome to contact us
Söderhamn, Sweden
Opening hours: Weekdays 09:00-17:00
Bank giro: 317-2087
Orgnr: 559174-0476


Tel: (+46) 010-33-00-513
Mikael: (+46) 072-304 88 55
Emma: (+46) 076-808 75 97


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